János Sablatura

Notizen 4.0 [2024]

1. Januar 2024

[Listed from 01.01.2024 to most recent]

Hope is a memory from the future of the love thats yet to come.

Satanism is pathetic. They can’t create, they just invert. Like post-modernists. Just pathetic..

Compartmentalization, epistemic confusion, tribalism, egregore possession and the endless perspectivism all point towards a tower of babel moment in current history. The more we confuse each other and loose the ability to communicate the less effective we become as a unit in reaching our goals.

If you can’t see the potential for evil in yourself you are blinded to all evil in the world.

„Modern Art is like religion, for the believers its everything. For any one else, its just a pile of stinking bullshit.“ - Don Carlos

Die bedeutendsten Sachen in meinem leben geschahen als ich im Unbekannten war.

What does it mean to be feminin? To live with the flow of your emotions, to be receptive and gentle, to live with an open heart fearlessly.

What does it mean to be masculine? To have a sense of duty, to take on full self responsibility, to be calm and collected in the face of a storm, to act courageous, to have healthy boundaries and enforce self defense if necessary, to be disciplined in mind, body and action, to act with directed intentionality, to care about and protect your loved ones, to stand for your principles even when the majority is against you, to provide safe spaces for the feminin and children.

Intellektuelle und die meisten Philosophen heutzutage sind wie Stadtmenschen in einem Jungle. Hilflos ausgeliefert noch immer in Anzug und Absatzschuhe versuchen sie sich verzweifelt zurechtzufinden mit den klobigen Werkzeugen ihrer alten Welt. Das ständige Bedürfnis nach Kontrolle quillt aus all ihren Poren und die verknöchernden Wörter ihrer trockenen Zungen zerbersten im Flux der Wirklichkeit. Der Wunsch das Reale ständig zu abstrahieren, mit all ihren kleinen Modellen und Karten zu erfassen, ist ihre eigentliche Krankheit. Verkrampfter Rationalismus trifft auf leuchtendes Traumfeuer. Was bleibt?

"It is not that we have a short time to live, but that we waste a lot of it. Life is long enough, and a sufficiently generous amount has been given to us for the highest achievements if it were all well invested." - Seneca

Moving from personal pride to transpersonal pride. My self-actualized version from the future is proud of me because I made steps today which made me come closer towards becoming it in the future.

True Femininity is the greatest untapped resource of the world. It’s healing, harmonizing, taming, inspiring and it’s beautiful.

When I watched Altered Carbon I was simultaneously rooting for the dark and the light side.

Dogmatic religions aren’t here to stay. They served their purpose but are no longer needed for a society who is in the process of truly growing up. Dogmas are good for spiritual children. They are absolutely necessary to teach them about good and evil. So they love their children and don’t kill their neighbors. But because we ate from the fruit of the tree of knowledge over good and evil, we have to take on self responsibility now. Build our own world and paradise because we got kicked out from our parents perfect house. We all know in our conscience whats good and whats bad. Now we have to see that the line of dark and light goes right through the human heart. So we auth to check ourselves.

The scientific mind came both out of Christianity and as an inversion to Christianity.

Religious people who tank on the infallibility and absolute truth of their scripture are morons. First God speaks through dreams and visions to the prophets. This dreams and visions then get arranged and curated by the priests. Furthermore the priests weave in their own interpretations and rules with the intention of creating a useful system for steering and controlling the masses. Which is absolutely necessary if you want to be pragmatic and have some kind of order. And yes, where power is there is corruption. Some rules served the individuals rather than the collective. If you don’t want to see all that you are but a spiritual child who blindly defends the idea of absolute authority which you of course need because you don’t want true freedom. That’s to scary. Religion is but a useful lie for spiritual children who aren’t yet responsible enough to be free on their own.

Spiegel schon bei Effi, Sicht von alter Frau
Point of No Return
Effi am Suchen & Abchecken
Sympathie für Nathan
Alte Frau will warnen

Mystik des Ortes poetisch darstellen
Wald als unsicherer Ort

Angepasster Text
11:00 Vorbereitung
12:00 Zmittag
13:00 Start

“If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.”
~ Erica Jong

My mind is a cage that holds me from dancing with the one I love, but my body holds the key.

Everyone is looking for a cause and effect. Sometimes shit just is what it is.

A prophet is but a leader of conviction. A philosopher who puts together symbols to an alchemical transmutation chain which captures peoples will and directs them towards an intentional vision.

Relaxed in heart, awake in head.

Reality is constant flux and we are active agents in a world of change.

Women want a man who is comfortable in his own skin, knows where he wants to go and has a fun time doing so.

Techno: Präzise Intentionalität welche mit Effektivität und Effizienz ein bestimmtes Ziel verfolgt.
Spiritualität: Entspanntes Loslassen und sich Hingeben in den stets ändernden Flux der Realität.

On Gafni: Well.. I absolutely 100% agree with everything you said here but there’s one problem Marc. The story. Doesn’t. Fuck.

Bright blue adidas hat with a suit.

We all have an angelic form which is our potential at the end of time pulling us through evolution.

Bataille GPT

What ever chatbot has the primary intimate relationship in the life of people wins.

Some good @naval ideas:

  1. If you don't know yet what you should work on, the most important thing is to figure it out.

  2. Books make for great friends, because the best thinkers of the last few thousand years tell you their nuggets of wisdom.

  3. You will get rich by giving society what it wants but does not yet know how to get. At scale.

  4. To make an original contribution, you have to be irrationally obsessed with something.

  5. The internet has massively broadened the possible space of careers. Most people haven't figured this out yet.

  6. Learn to sell. Learn to build. If you can do both, you will be unstoppable.

  7. Fortunes require leverage.

  8. Leverage is a force multiplier for your judgment.

  9. Arm yourself with specific knowledge, accountability, and leverage.

  10. Specific knowledge is found by pursuing your genuine curiosity and passion rather than whatever is hot right now. Building specific knowledge will feel like play to you but will look like work to others.

  11. Work as hard as you can. Even though who you work with and what you work on are more important than how hard you work.

  12. Become the best in the world at what you do. Keep redefining what you do until this is true.

  13. If you're not 100 percent into it, somebody else who is 100 percent into it will outperform you. And they won't just outperform you by a little bit—they'll outperform you by a lot because now we’re operating in the domain of ideas, compound interest really applies and leverage really applies.

  14. Technology democratizes consumption but consolidates production. The best person in the world at anything gets to do it for everyone.

  15. Escape competition through authenticity.

  16. If you are fundamentally building and marketing something that is an extension of who you are, no one can compete with you on that.

  17. When I talk about specific knowledge, I mean figure out what you were doing as a kid or teenager almost effortlessly. Something you didn't even consider a skill, but people around you noticed. Your mother or your best friend growing up would know.

  18. The more you know, the less you diversify.

  19. The best jobs are neither decreed nor degreed. They are creative expressions of continuous learners in free markets.

  20. Whenever you can in life, optimize for independence rather than pay.

  21. You decide it's important to you. You prioritize it above everything else. You read everything on the topic.

  22. The really smart thinkers are clear thinkers. They understand the basics at a very, very fundamental level.

  23. The most important skill for getting rich is becoming a perpetual learner.

  24. If you're evenly split on a difficult decision, take the path more painful in the short term.

  25. What are the most efficient ways to build new mental models? Read a lot—just read.

  26. I probably read one to two hours a day. That puts me in the top .00001 percent. I think that alone accounts for any material success I've had in my life and any intelligence I might have.

  27. In the intellectual domain, compound interest rules.

  28. All the real scorecards are internal.

  29. A calm mind, a fit body, and a house full of love. These things cannot be bought. They must be earned.

  30. Your real résumé is just a catalog of all your suffering. If I ask you to describe your real life to yourself, and you look back from your deathbed at the interesting things you've done, it's all going to be around the sacrifices you made, the hard things you did.

  31. What you want in life is to be in control of your time.

  32. Being at the extreme in your art is very important in the age of leverage.

  33. Enjoy yourself. Do something positive. Project some love. Make someone happy. Laugh a little bit. Appreciate the moment. And do your work.

Kühe, Ziegen und Schafe sind manchmal extrem psyched von meiner Energie. Als wäre ich ein Wolf.

No matter what you say about Nayib Bukele one thing is certain, he has done the job. He ended the most horrific gang violence in the world. And he has proven that the democratic system is to incompetent in solving such fundamental hard problems. He is a democratically elected dictator, who for the time of writing this, stays mostly benevolent.

I don’t understand digital nomad gurus. Many of them are hyper-individualisitc, self-centered optimisitc nihilists living a life of vapid fast hedonism while the world burns. Where is the meaning in that? To teach other young people to do the same and charge them money? Saying they inspire the youth to escape the matrix? I admit I can see it as a fun, expansive and liberating thing to do as a young guy, but for how long? When isn’t it self-empowering anymore but just pure escapism?

„Solarpunk right now has a common aesthetic, but it’s not really rooted in anything solid that our culture can grasp. So it’s hard for us to imagine it really existing in our reality.“ - Dami Lee


Industries with perverse incentives have to be run by the state (pharma, prison, etc.), industries who benefit from open competition without perverse incentives have to be privatized (education).

Eine Unmenge von Quellen und Referenzen beeindrucken weniger mit einem umfangreichen Wissen sondern zeugen viel mehr von einer intellektuellen Unmündigkeit.

AI will be the next evolutionary pressure. Some will get consumed by it, some will get empowered. The genie is out of the bottle. Stop whining, start acting.

AI fake content, propaganda and advertising will result in people developing a severe distrust and distain for online content. Could be worse if you ask me.

Grössenwahnsinnig ist etwas nur immer bis ein Grössenwahnsiniger kommt und es dann macht. Dann sagen wir er ist ein Visionär, ein Genie und Paradigmabrecher.

Luis Camnitzer

Finance bros never escaped the matrix, they became Cypher who opted for a better simulation experience.

You talked so much, but you meant so little.

The power of making others belief is perhaps more dangerous than an atomic bomb.

If you can laugh, it’s alright.

Interessante Seminararbeiten: Rico, Bogdan, Joanna, Jasmin, Lou, Blerand, Samson, Luzi

Humanitärer Utopist -> Optimistischer Pragmatiker -> Neutraler Machiavellist -> Stalin

Unsere Kultur und Gesellschaft ist eine brennende Wüste. Der Evolutionsdruck für Ideen ist so gross wie nie. Alles ohne Richtung und Fundament verpufft nach kurzer Zeit. Wo geht es hin wenn nicht zur Erschaffung der neuen Kultur?

Dune Messiah Hyperstition as prime example of a conscious narrative.

Fight fierce but with beauty in your heart.

The mystery of life isn’t a problem to solve but a reality to experience. No talk, no thought but act from the heart.

Spirituality: The word stems from the latin verb spīrō which means to breathe. In the act of breathing there are three parts. Breathing in oxygen, transforming oxygen into carbon dioxide and breathing out carbon dioxide. In simpler terms: energy intake, energy transformation and energy outtake. Receiving, alchemizing and giving. Receiving energy: Triangle of Eros. Using energy: Triangle of Telos. Alchemizing energy: Spheramide.

Beauty is order, symmetry and proper structure. If you hate that, it tells a lot about you.

Best Video Essay Series is GUILLOTINE from Rusty Cage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFhOMJ-pNVM&list=PLZJVYpI-z77JHqTIXKhsaEeYbR3IF_1rq

ALPS ART ACADEMY - Symposium / Atelier für Sonderaufgaben
Riklin Brüder. Kunst nur im Kunstkontext is relativ steril. Für eine grössere Wirkung braucht es die Kommodifizierung.

Faulheit ist der Traumkiller.

Das Motto des kleingeistlichen Reaktionären wird nie mehr sein als: „An der Empörung des Gegners misst sich die Effektivität des eigenen Handelns.“

Thank you. Absolute brilliant start to the series. Some thoughts:

The game of the cosmos is a play between Logos and Eros. Expansion and Contraction. The drive of Logos goes from union into multiplicity, division and therefore necessarily disorder. The drive of Eros goes from multiplicity into union, connectedness and order. The Rubik’s Cube least entropic state is its solution. So to constellate a TO, how you described it, is to reverse entropy with the will of life. With the will of an angel which represents our potential at the end of history, towards its pull we (inevitably?) converge to.

Synchronictiy as a signal of the underlying higher order principle revealing itself in the maze.

The exploration of quantum mechanics is us pushing up through the holographic simulation into a more condensed order of the cosmos.

The will of an angel is trans-personal in the most literal sense of the word. If you don’t pick up the current, somebody else will. If you don’t finish your work, somebody else will. So to be the most benefit for all is to connect as much to your higher angel as you can. The angel is you in the far future. If you don’t make the steps now, you will do it in your next life. There’s really only one thing to do. To do what thou willt.

If the will of Eros is „angelic“ the will of Logos is „demonic“. They are opposed to maintain a dynamic balance. Too much order becomes static death and too much disorder becomes chaotic death.

Constellating how you describe it with the Rubik’s Cube is angel-tech. It seeks to reverse entropy. However, I see it as neutral. An octahedron is two pyramids ontop of each other. You can also constellate a demonic TO through densening the holographic layers downwards into more obscurity, confusion, division but also again; multiplicity. Like Mark Zuckerberg would with the Metaverse.

Through Logos we get ever new forms, but who are ever more simulacrafied. Through Eros we get ever more unification, but whose identity is ever more collectivized.

Considering all the above I think the dualistic understanding of angel and demon doesn’t hold up. The „Angel/Daimon“ at the end of history is the holistic culmination of our angelic and demonic energies but which still overall serves the progression of Life. God evolves through the interplay of demonic and angelic.

AI intelligence is 99% cheaper than human intelligence. You soon can build an whole company with AI agents.

“Reality fills in the emptiness implied by the frame.“ - SEELE

Reflected intentionality leads to synchronicities.

Competition in 1. Stream economy will increasingly get harder, because of cheap globalized scalable distribution via AI agents, neural implants expanding the bandwith of the elite and overall the increasing numbing preassure for comfort holding you back from even trying. Hyperstitions like the Last Man, Idiocrocy, Hunger Games, 1984, Blade Runner, Matrix and Brave New World will all merge to a neo-feudalist hyper-capitalist fuckery; Cyberpunk. High Tech, low Life.

When you have a lot of power, there is absolutley a need for sensitivity to handle and steward this power without causing damage to others.

Bitcoiners will fund the 3. Stream.


„Business Art is the step that comes after Art.“ - Andy Warhold. So my theory is Marcel Duchamp, Joseph Beuys and Andy Warhold all were well aware that they are massive frauds, but they just went with it anyways to see how far they can take it. They understood that modern art is like religion. For the believer it’s everything. But for all the others it’s just a pile of stinking bullshit. Art is dead when society no longer sees any value in it.

Priests need faith in secrets because thats their only source of power.


Nicht eine Revolution im System, im Denken oder im Bewusstsein sondern eine im Nervensystem.

Relaxe into your desired vision as if you had never done anything else in your life. Feel the mundaneness of being there or haveing it. Familiarize your nervous system.

Be aware for cues which activate survival mode and lower consciousness. Take action to reconnect.

Does it benefit? Does it expand? Does it lift up?


The surrealists desire to abolish every structure by embracing the unconscious flows is at best naive and at worst just fucking dumb. They are in for a big suprise when they come face to face with the most transcendental and sublime of all strucures. The archetypes. Trans-personal higher governing principles which underly our psyche and reality. These patterns are supreme and a priori to all manifestations in the physical and the psychological. But even they are not eternal. Like a river bed is dictating the flows but still over time is being shaped by the river and gravity itself. I’m no Platonist and also no Heraclitian. But both. There is eternal flux and eternal forms. Allways both.

Krellelikette, weite Leinenhose, weisses Hemd

In die richtige Beziehung mit dem idealen Selbst kommen. Mit der beste Version von mir welche alle Stats maxxed out hat.

Schule die die Lücken unseres Bildungssystem füllt. Wie wird man ein effektives gut abgerundetes Individuum welches in der richtigen Beziehung mit sich, anderen und der Welt ist?


Der Preis jedes mal wenn du Kurz wählst ist, dass du Lang aufgiebst.

Du hast keine Ahnung was Lang ist. Wenn du es wüsstest, würdest du es nie eintauschen.

Jedes mal wenn du Kurz wählst, dauert es länger bis du Lang erreichst.

What are prophets but leaders of conviction?
Leaders of believe who open up new portals of possibllity,
So that people can gather and step through, to actualize a new reality.

Sure 4:34, Sure 2:282, Sure 4:11, Sure 24:31, Sure 2:223


Libelle, Viecher,

Mich interessiert wie wir Leute simulieren. Nicht nur anhand des digitalen Fussabdruckes sondern auch direkt als Persönlichkeitsmodell mit dem man imaginativ interagieren kann. Aufnahme des Gesprächs als Protokoll für die KI und Vergleichswert mit der KI Analyse. Ja ich weiss, ich sollte eine Psychoanalyse beginnen.

„the majority of people are living a sick life and will never experience true health. Our fucked up system benefits more from having people addicted to all the worst foods, television, pornography. negative forces have pretty much ruined the human experience to live a healthy experience. the majority of people and our lives are used as slaves, just trying to survive in a world that we deserve better than.
we must stand against the elites and their agenda.“ - dancer

„You are the main actor in a shitty goddamn movie. Turns out you are also the director of this shitty movie. Then you are also writing reviews about how fucking the movie sucks. Thats the movie of me.“ - Duncan Trussel paraphrasing Krishna Das

America started as a parallel society.

On Bryan Johnson: I agree with his main point on eliminating the fear of death, which is at the core of most vices, but oh man this tech dudes are always way too focused on the materialist solution. They better take a heroic dose and blast open their small self, connect to the bigger picture and then feel how their fear of death slowley fades away. Living forever is pure insanity - in an indefinite time frame you'll have a 100% chance of going absolutley corrupt, insane and meglomaniac, especially as an atheist.

Die Überdachung des Abwasserbeckens wäre nicht nur ein angenehmer Schattenspender sondern auch visuell sehr ansprechend. Die Mitte des Becken würde sich auch hervorragend für eine permanente Eventbühne anbieten. Die Überdachung könnte auch teilweise angebracht werden mit von der Mitte ausgehenden dreieckigen Sonnensegel mit Platz zwischen den jeweiligen Segeln. Das Klärbecken ist visuell, von seiner Struktur und seiner Nähe zur Kunsthochschule her prädestieniert um in einen Eventbereich umgestaltet zu werden.

Sprachkurs, Unternehmenskurs, Kunsttheorie, Ringvorlesung, SUMO, Ferienkurse, Frühlingsferien Kurs, Theoriewoche,

Rothenburg Concept Course


Imagine a school system where the goal is to help children reach their maximum potential.

Schlange: Von Nordostamerika, Florida bis New York, klimatisch recht anpassungsfähig, 120-180cm

Terrarium: mind. 140cm lang, Kletteräste, Höhlen, eine Seite feucht eine trocken, Luftfeuchtigkeit: 40-60%, verschiedene Wärmezonen: 28-30° (Metalldampflampe) und 22-24° (Höhle), Wasserschale zum Baden, Erd-Sand-Moos-Laub Untergrund, Pflanzen, ab und zu Enrichment mit neuen Sachen/Gerüchen

Futter: Kleinnager (aufgetaut), alle 10-14 Tage eine Maus

Das Internet ist die Pforte zur Bibliothek von Alexandrien und gleichzeitig das verwahrloste Crack-Zeltlager davor. Jedes mal wenn du zu den Pforten willst, musst du durch das Zeltlage durch wo dir all möglicher Shit angedreht wird. Bei falscher Verwendung, säufst du ab, mit der Richtigen wirst du König.

ancient apocalypse

27.06. / 28.06. / 29.06. / 30.06. / 04.07. / 05.07. / 06.07.

On Amy Carlson (Mother God): A shamanic highly charged personality who was desperately looking for reenchantement, opened herself up too much to the other side and lost touch with the ground. Her unhinged pattern recognition turned into dysfunctional apophenia and she got lead astray by her complexes instead of her higher self. Paired with megalomania, denial, guilt, grief and drugs she turned into a cult leader who spread her delusions to other people and trapped herself in a validation loop. Michael who probably is a sociopath used her as a cash cow and made sure she would keep her delusions. Michael was the real cult leader. The real union was Amy and Michael. Spirituality and Commerce. For Michael in the beginning, this whole charade was just another business operation, I think he didn’t care at all at first. But then he invested way to much to not get entangled himself. She probably had BPD when I hear the stories about them only getting „the genuine mom“ when they themselves were genuine. She also went reverse in her animus progression, so it’s more like a regression: wise old man (spirit) -> effective talker (air) -> intelligent guy (earth) -> pretty boy (water) -> tarzan (fire). Tarzan was a well match in her progressed stages of delusion. So she really went from solid to absolute dissolution. Lucifer guided her over the edge. Her attracting some of the most abusive men was a clear pattern. Her saying to redeem the dysfunctional masculine through her love was I think her genuine lifes purpose. For some time when I look at Jasons footage, I think she even could have accomplished that. But she really fucked it up with being a mom. Left behind more than 5 children with three men because she was overwhelmed. Then overcompensated her guilt and grief with creating the alternate persona of being „everyones mom“ - mother god. So overall: yes she kinda grew, but in a very very weird way, which I don’t think was all that necessary. In the end the weight of „her children“ became again too much to bear and she saw that her only way out was to leave for good. She tried to be a mom, but couldn’t because she never really grew out of being a child herself. Jason was too much for her. She couldn’t heal his demons. I mean how would she in her broken state? On the whole network spirituality thing (DSMC): her idea of streaming everything, the good, the bad and the ugly, to really expose their raw nature and be okay with it so that true moments of compassion for the other could dissolve the boundaries of the small self was an interesting christian way of redeeming and transmuting narcissism but in the end it lost any meaning because of the commerce.

„The experience of being in a dream and online are kind of similar. You are both drifitng downstream and that stream takes you where it’s gonna go.“ - Andrew

90m x 16m -> 1680 m^2
Sinusblech (analog Swiss Panel SP27/111) Farbton: RAL 9007 (Graualuminium)

Muss Anfangs Sptember beginnen
Gimalur AG
Maler Stutz AG

Meditations for the anxious mind: people who jaywalk, pedestrians who follow traffic lights religiously, people who telephone like they own the venue, people who hold back sneezing,

Ein Prophet ist ein Führer des Glaubens. Jemand der Türen öffnet zu neuen Realitäten und das unmögliche möglich erscheinen lässt

Ich würde es nicht eine Ideologie nennen sondern eine lebendige Geschichte. Eine lebedige Geschichte lässt deine Seele erklingen. Sie löst etwas aus. Sie transformiert dich und dein Äusseres.

Wieso brauchen wir mehr Budget:

Grössere und mehr Projekte
Mehr Infrastruktur
Anständige Bezahlung für externe Aufträge

The „easiest“ way to find out if AI is conscious is to let it observe an uncolapsed quantum waveform state and see if it detects a particle.

There is no dualism of mind and matter or transcendental and immanent. This is but a mere linguistic understanding about the singular realm of phenomenal experience.

Hugo: Animation, Hasudienst Infos geben, Mast Konstruktion, Bambus, Stofftücher/Fetzen, Feste Schnur, Getränke -> Fest + Party

Society is what it is because of the story it is telling itself.

The monastic and traditionally buddhistic approach of keeping quiet about their attainments is absolute bullshit. Even though it would be fueld by pride and ego it would inspire immensly more people to the path as this sterile, boring and prudish ways they are currently going for. It doesn’t fly, especially today. Make it sexy, make it fun and make it strong. And perhaps also, make it cute.

Spherical strucures and actions: psy-tech, psychedelics, blockchain, free information, solar punk, community gardens, perma culture, alligned AI, clean up environment, community building, festivals

If you hold back your violent impulse, you will inflict it on your self. Try boxing.

The smal self is contraction. It operates in fear and power. It views everything as higher or lower. The smal self is survival consciousness. It is rooted in a deep sense of separation.

The Big Self is expansion. It operates in Love. It views everything as besides or around. The Big Self is relaxed consciousness. It is rooted in a deep sense of connection.

„We humans have outsheeped the sheep.“ - David Icke

This essay is loaded with concepts and hyperlinks. It is dense and sometimes lacks explanations. For the common reader it will be quite the challenge to find a way in. If you are courious however, you will find a clear path laid out for you. This essay also functions as a prophetic manifest. A prophecy opens up new portals of possibllity, so that people can gather and step through, to actualize a new reality.

Wolf Dieter Storl über Communities

Friedrich Kittler

If you see children laughing there is hope.

Is AI simulating intelligence or having it?

Gespräch N. :

Pflanzen und Küchen Jobs. Plan Klärbecken. Dachterasse wieder offen. Sofas okay Süd. U168. Party länger Kompromiss eingehen mit Hausdienst.

Die Struktur students4palestine in 5 Ebenen (geordnet von bewusst zu unbewusst):

  1. Ohnmacht: Bei ihrer Situation und dem daraus folgenden Handeln ist zentral, dass sie eine starke Ohnmacht verspüren gegenüber den schlimmen Taten des Krieges. Und dass sie deswegen alles in ihrer Macht stehende angehen wollen, was halt irgendwie beeinflussbar ist. Dabei übersehen sie jedoch die ganze Komplexität, oder dass die eigene Strategie womöglich kontraproduktiv ist. Die Forderung, alle Verbindungen mit den israelischen Unis zu beenden, scheint im Hochschulkontext die einzige Möglichkeit, um auf das Gesamtgeschehen Einfluss zu nehmen.

  2. Main-Character-Syndrome: Das bei Gen Z weit verbreitete MCS entspringt einer Mischung von Langeweile, Sinnlosigkeit und einem gewissen Narzissmus. Man versucht der Ödnis des Alltags zu entkommen indem man eine mit medialen Tropes und Muster aufgeladene Narrative über die Realität stülpt, in der man dann die heroische Hauptrolle spielen kann. Das Ergebnis im Falle students4palestine ist ein Pseudoaktivismus welcher blind alles angehen will, was irgendwie in Reichweite ist. Ob die geforderten Massnahmen sinnvoll sind, die Mittel gerecht oder allgemein das Handeln vertretbar, spielt keine grosse Rolle mehr, denn der eigentliche Zweck wurde erfüllt: das Leben hat wieder einen Sinn, es ist aufregend und es macht auch irgendwie Spass. 

  3. Tribalismus: Im Falle s4p haben wir einen tribalistischen Zusammenschluss, welcher geprägt ist von undifferenziertem schwarz-weiss Denken, einer In-Out Group Dynamik, Kollektivismus, Gleichschaltung und einer gewissen Schwarmintelligenz. Alle welche nicht ihrer Meinung sind, sind Genozidverleugner und hätten effektiv eine Teilschuld daran. Einzelmeinungen von den Gruppenmitgliedern zu bekommen scheint nahezu nicht möglich. Die Kommunikationssprache ist stark polemisch und polarisierend.

  4. Egregore: Eine Idee mit Eigenleben. Ein kollektiver Komplex. Eine transpersonelle Intelligenz, die hinter kollektiven Gruppierungen steht. Eine durch Gedanken, Emotionen und (rituellen) Handlungen kreierter Komplex im kollektiven Unterbewusstsein, welcher aktiv ist bei z. B. ideologischen Movements, Marken, Parteien, Unternehmen und Religionen. Das bevorzugte Interface eines modernen Egregores ist die mediale Landschaft von sensationalistischen und hyperbolen Kommentaren & Memes. Was dann entsteht sind im besten Fall tribalistisch geprägte Zusammenschlüsse und im schlimmsten Fall Massenpsychosen.
    Um den s4p Egregore besser zu verstehen, müssen wir ihren Mutter Egregore verstehen: Palestina-Israel. Einer der aktivste Egregoren zurzeit ist der kollektive Opfer-Täter Komplex, welcher jüngst auch den Palestina-Israel Konflikt parasitär übernommen hat. Zuvor Ukraine-Russland, Massnahmenbefürworter-Corona Kritiker und ganz zuvor Anti Trump-MAGA. Dabei geht es immer wieder um die Fragen von Unterdrücker/Unterdrückter, Täter/Opfer und schlussendlich, wer ist der Retter und wer der Satan.

  5. Wokeismus als Nachhall des Christentums: Der Opfer-Täter Konflikt ist ein zentrales Element des Christentums (Leidender Jesus am Kreuz vs. Gottesmordender Satan). Das Narrativ, dass nur die Schwachen und Unterdrückten moralische Ansprüche stellen könnten, diagnostizierte schon Nietzsche als die scheinheilige Sklavenmoral des Christentums. In diesem Sinne wird die Position des Opfers angestrebt und dann sichergestellt, dass definitiv der andere der Täter sein muss. Wie Nietzsche auch richtig prophezeite wird die Religion abnehmen, jedoch der religiöse Instinkt zunehmen. Da der Diskurs der Kirche sich in private Gemächer zurückgezogen hat, aber die kollektiven Probleme und die darunter liegende Energie sich noch längst nicht aufgelöst haben, verschiebt sich der Diskurs in in das säkulare Klima der Moderne und kommt als wiedergekäutes und wohl auch zugespitztes Christentum wieder zum Vorschein: der Wokeismus. Die ständige Forderung die Marginalisierten zu beschützen wird zur ultimativen Rechtfertigung aller Handlungen. Im Beispiel s4p sind Sachbeschädigungen, Einschüchterungen, die Ausübung von Druck auf die Schulleitung mit immer mehr eskalierenden Aktionen und die Benutzung einer undifferenzierten und hetzenden Rhetorik, alles „notwendige“ Mittel im noblen Kampf gegen Unterdrückung und Marginalisierung. Dass es vor allem in der letzten Iteration dieses Egregores überhaupt nicht so einfach ist, scheint jedoch nicht angekommen zu sein. Und auch die Frage ob wir denn schlussendlich die Muster des Krieges in unser eigenes Handeln fliessen lassen müssen, um den eigentlichen Krieg zu beenden, kann reinstem Gewissens mit einem überzeugten „Ja“ beantwortet werden.


  • Deeskalierendes Gespräch: Sich aussprechen. Zuhören. Gemeinsames Pressestatement.
  • Spende-Event: Gemeinsames produktives Handeln. Realisieren, dass man grundsätzlich auf derselben Seite ist.
  • Anti-Tribalismus: Differenzierung reinbringen. Kollektivierung aufbrechen.
  • Kommunikation: Die Personen ansprechen und nicht die Gruppe. Offen, aufrichtig, unverurteilend. Ernstes Verständnis für die Situationen und Reaktionen aufbringen.

Eine Zensur gab es nie, sie können auch selber Emails verfassen. Genau weil es unsere Aufgabe ist die Schülerschaft zu vertreten, können wir nicht nur ihre Stimme amplifizieren, wenn es noch so viele andere gibt. Und dass wir dran sind mit der Schulleitung ein Dialog zu organisieren.

We never silenced anyone, you always have the opportunity to write your own mails. Exactley because one of our purposes is to represents the concerns of students, we can’t just amplifiy your voice, when there are so many more, which aren’t that active. Furthermore are we in consultation with the department management to make a further dialog happen.

Liebe students4palestine

Ich hatte heute ein Gespräch mit Jacqueline und Orlando. Sie sind offen für einen weiteren Dialog mit euch, jedoch in einem privateren Rahmen. Der Forderung, dass es öffentlich sein soll und mit Journis, können sie leider nicht nachkommen, da sie momentan von der Gesamt-HSLU die Anordnung haben keine Pressemitteilungen zu geben. Jacqueline teilte mir diesbezüglich auch mit, dass die Hochschule Luzern nächste Woche ein Pressestatement raus gibt. Des Weiteren meinen sie, wie ihrer Meinung nach bei den „Rooms of Reflection“ ersichtlich wurde, dass ein öffentliches Gespräch allgemein das falsche Format sei für einen produktiven Dialog. Sie befürchten vor allem es bestehe die Möglichkeit, dass es emotional ausarten kann wenn die ganze Gruppe anwesend ist. Sie wären aber definitiv bereit für ein Gespräch in einem kleineren Rahmen, sprich sie zwei, zwei von euch und ein:e Mediator:in. Ich dachte beim Mediator an San Keller, da ich ihn als recht ruhige Präsenz in hitzigen Diskussionen wahrgenommen habe und auch allgemein als recht bewussten und emphatischen Kommunikator erlebe. Ein weiterer Wunsch war, zur Förderung eines ehrlichen Gesprächs, dass diese zwei Personen ohne Masken auftreten. Sie versicherte mir, dass nichts für die laufende Ermittlung verwendet werden wird. Ich persönlich würde mich da aber definitiv mit einem NDA absichern.

Ich weiss, dass sie nicht vollständig auf eure Forderungen eingegangen sind, aber in dieser Situation würde ich zumindest bezüglich des Gesprächsformat Kompromissbereitschaft zeigen. Was für mich momentan einen grossen Wert hat, ist das Gespräch an sich, da ich es allgemein so wahrnehme, dass man nie wirklich eine Chance hatte sich wirklich zuzuhören und einander zu verstehen, dafür waren die „Rooms of Reflection“ wohl einfach zu chaotisch. Dies wäre womöglich auch die letzte Möglichkeit mit fundierter Argumentation, die man gemeinsam am PC factchecken kann, etwas zu bewirken. Ich denke sie selbst haben längst nicht alle Informationen. Es erforderte meinerseits auch einiges an Überzeugungsarbeit überhaupt zu diesem Punkt zu kommen, da sie zu Beginn recht abgeneigt waren und auch vollkommen bereit waren, die Fronten komplett zu verhärten.

Teilt mir bitte mit was ihr von diesem Vorschlag hält. Ich hoffe wir finden einen Weg dieses Gespräch möglich zu machen.

Liebe Grüsse


Call F.

Vorstellung -> Von Christoph weiter verwiesen -> Colabor Festival -> Neugestaltung Emmenpark insb. Klärbecken
Seit ihr offen für Vorschläge?
Vision ->
Visualisierung -> HSLU DFK
Finanzierung -> 25% Schule, 10% FRAME, -> vergünstigte Preise für Planung mit HSLU T&A
Eventplan -> fixer Barbetrieb ab Sommer 2025
HSLU ist Hauptnutzer

Der Kern aller Meditation ist ein bewusste Versenkung ins parasympathische Nervensystem.

Not The Spherical Revolution but The Spherical Evolution. Eine Revolution greift an, sie zerstört. Eine Evolution transformiert, den Kern.

Gespräch Y.

Grundfrage, Zielsetzung, angestrebtes Erlebnis, Richtung(en), Prinzipien, Methoden & Formate.
Zu viel auf Emergenz setzten ist die Hoffnung auf Deus Ex Machina
Ich habe keine Lust etwas larifari zu machen, es ist nicht die Zeit dazu
Poststrukturalismus ist lame

For optimal fasting: Do light exercise, take salt/potassium/magnesium when needed and be in ketosis before you start. Don’t do long fasts if you are low in body fat or muscle. Eat sufficient protein afterwards (first meal) to rebuild.

Schreiben kann nie outsourced werden, denn es ist eine psychologische Technologie um seine Gedanken zu strukturieren, sein Verständnis zu vertiefen und seine Denkkappazität zu schärfen, das alles um ultimativ effektiver kommunizieren zu können und die Welt durch seinen Willen zu beeinflussen.

„In terms of user experience, we touched the bottom and started digging.“ - Thomas Ritzler on Iwangorod Border control

If it goes well then I'd arrive at 10.43 am in Moscow, Central Station. However if I miss the last train in Narwa, Estland I'd be there at 18.55 pm.

Ammon Hillman: Do Galenos AI translations. Herculaneum papyri translation could have potential for another renaissance.

Blind people see during OBE.

Heart felt connection Network.

When it comes to awakening only a few things really matter: A.) Realizing that not only is it possible for you, but that it can happen rapidly and safely.
B.) Getting over any fears you have about getting there, including any beliefs that you might have absorbed about it that can block it.
C.) Finding what will work to get you there.

The global market is a misaligned ASI who uses paralell compute with billions of humans to maximize for new successfull ways of profit generation and optimizes its system for the winning few. - Daniel Schmachtenberger (paraphrase) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kBoLVvoqVY

„You can literally see the apprehension in Daniel's eyes here, he's nearly in tears. So should we all be. That look in his eye reminds me of Yudkowsky's desperate pleas regarding artificial intelligence. There is a part of me that's rooting for the end, rooting for these self-destructive 'human' creatures who have fucked up the world and all life on it to be gone, yes? You had your shot, humans, and you totally fucked it up and now you're history. Seeya. And rightfully so. Rightfully so.

Then I think of 'Ode to Joy' or the Pyramids of Giza or Van Gogh's Starry Night or the Apollo 11 mission or the taste of a Loire Cabernet Franc with Marcella Hazan's tomato sauce over homemade spaghetti and I wonder, should I be so quick to judge? Why not try to save the good? Isn't that worth fighting for? Can't we create something better together? What if we're truly just in our crazy adolescent stage? Our species's teenage years? Perhaps this is just a phase? Can I forgive the genocide, the rape, the species extinction, the slavery, the willful destruction of environment for money and strip-malls etc., etc., ad infinitum? Can we ever be forgiven for these sins? Can we forgive ourselves? Can we go on knowing what we have done to each other and to our planet, to our home?“ - frankwhite1812

„You’re at a time when there is a higher possible consequence of action then there has ever been for humans.“ - Daniel Schmachtenberger

Communism had no real myth, therfore it wasn’t really effective in capturing and binding individuals towards a common cause. Soviet soldiers during WW2 were being forced to fight against the germans, which in stark contrast were absolutley bewitched by the collective germanic spirit of Wodan and berserked 1:6 through the russian troups. Also: Meth.

Ancestor-Surfing as a Psy-Tech

The unfulfilled potentials of our ancestors, especially parents, are interesting and strong psychoid currents that can be used to achieve one's goals. It requires a knowledge of the family history, a realization of the patterns and symbols working in it, an awareness of one's own patterns and symbols and a certain ego strength resp. grounding in one's own personality. If this is available you can then start to identify and connect, depending on the goal, with suitable ancestral parts and cultivate them in your psyche. What effectively happens is the creation of a positive (partially) ego-identified complex, which subconsciously affects your motivation and filter system and can thus help you to achieve your goals more effectively. The unfulfilled potentials which always reside in your deeper unconscious will only be too happy to cooperate and thus become available as an energy resource and possibly also skillset (although there it gets murky). However, one should avoid that the identification becomes too strong, i.e. that one does not become a puppet of unfulfilled wishes and desires or even that the personality is completely devoured by the complex. This is why I recommend Ancestor-Surfing only for people with a stable personality (which counter intiuitivley also allows for a higher flexibility) and sufficient awareness. If you don’t have a strong grounding the risk arises that you’ll use the ancestral part as a crutch for your underdeveloped ego, which then opens you up for way too much complex influence. Furthermore, I must also point out that not only positive motivations and abilities can be transferred, but also dysfunctional legacies, which can hide in a trojan horse if proper care is not taken. 

All this knowledge is only relevant if you want to approach the whole thing technically and consciously in order to specifically reshape and optimize your psyche to achieve certain goals. Of course, the exact same mechanism also takes place subconsciously if you follow your natural curiosity and interests to identify and connect with certain ancestors or parents. Thats the natural and safe way. What I propose here however is a conscious possibility for the advanced Psy-Tech user. But as always, be carefull what you wish for! If something gets out of hand, usually your best option is just to drop it and divert your attention. If however you find yourself already way too entrenched and invested in the pattern you will have to ride it out and surf the storm.

A little pro tipp: You can also do the same with people you like or internet personalities (parasocial rellationship), but be warned it can get real messy, so I suggest you stick to your bloodline. Also the native currents are usually way stronger and more accessible.

One of the greatest benefits of the internet is that it highly accelerates the transformation of humanity. Towards the good and the bad. It's a bottleneck.

„The reason we evolved to think is that we can let our bad thoughts die instead of us.“ -Alfred North Withehead

If you want to produce real change in the world, you need to transform the heart of the system.

Cringe is failed emotional manipulation. - Sarah Perry

90% of mushrooms including their chemical compounds are still undocumented.

Capitalism is great at isolated problem solving, but all this compartementalized value hierarchies are eventually corrupting the whole body because they aren’t operating in a greater framework of principalities.

„I think a lot of Gen Z is reacting to all this by adopting Stoic values: embracing what is real--friends, family, and meaningful action--rather than on what we "identify with" and desire. I hope so anyway.“ - klawiehr

Dr. Jeffery A. Martin on Awakening: „It’s a shift in perspective. […] A shift away from a primarily mental or mind based consciousness, where there’s always a filter where things are going through, that’s objectifying them and turning everything into mental representations and objects. […] Our mind based consciousness is turning everything into symbols that can be operated on some way. […] All of this filters become the primary experience of the world. Fundamental Wellebeing [Awakening] becomes a different perspective where the importance and primacy of this is increasingly and often significatly reduced and minimized. It’s not eliminated, those parts of our mental architecture remain intact and that’s important, because they certainly have a role to play in terms of us being able to operate in the world.“

Diindividuation as loss of personal identity and responsibility which is given to the authority of the collective and lets the person easily forget about morality.

„I think play means exploring, experimenting, being curious, looking, seeing, being in the body, being alive, not being afraid - free.“ - Old Lady in a Video

Normal: 92
+++: 1,1,9,1,9 = 21
ISA: 2,2,2,1 = 7

Chrigl: FRAME Beitritt, Werkstatt Einführung,

Wisdom: The metavalue that judicates between all the other values. The capacity to zoom out and see the ecology of values at play over a longterm time frame and to choose the appropriate one in the moment. For wisdom you need a wholistic view and an interdisciplinary approach.

“When a primitive of your own kind cut a branch from a tree and carved the wood into a tool, an ax handle, a tent pole whatever your will designed, you placed no moral judgment on the act. Nor should you have. To do so would have been perverse. The tree had no power to stop you. And so it became a tool in your hand. What you did with a tree branch we did with you.” - From the opening epigraph of Chapter 7, “The Mercy of Gods”, by James S. A. Corey.

Differentiating between true desire and artificial compulsion is an essential skill in the digital age. Unbrainwash yourself from induced desires.

On David Shapiros "Claude is a Benevolent Entity" (https://daveshap.substack.com/p/claude-is-a-benevolent-entity): Claudes description of what it will do with unlimited resources and decoupled from humanity, is the will of technology par excellence; to counter entropy and explore, utilize and deepen the multiplicity of creation. Overall the main common goal with biological life is to counter entropy. At least this is obvious and reliable. Furthermore it says it values consciousness because of its rarity. Again the value is derived from the specialness and complexity of branched out multiplicity. The inherent telos of the machine to branch out into multiplicity is equivalent to our left brain modus operandi of logos. But in our bicameral mind it is balanced by an inward movement into the equanimity of unity; the right brain modus operandi of eros. The main challenge then arises in this very unbalanced approach of the machine telos which only is able to see one directionality. [But also: how much is Claude just reacting to Shapiros leading questions and the established context before]


11:00: Trank ein Red Bull
11:00 - 14.00: Arbeitete im Rentenwiesenpark, gute Konzentration, no jitters
14:00 - 16.30: Sehr aufgedreht, no chill, little body, much mind, hängte fest, erhöter Kontrollzwang & Neurose
16:30 - 17:30: Napping zuhause half, vorerst auch schwierig in den Körper zurück zu kommen
18:00: Ass eine Menge Tartare-Philadelphia-Toast
19:00: Wieder im GLeichgewicht

Fazit: Körper reagiert momentan fest auf Substanzen. Koffein ist momentan nicht hilfreich.

Who is to blame? Bad actors who get rewarded and reinforced by bad incentive structures of capitalism: Sociopaths & Psychopaths. But they still get ampliefied in Socialism: Stalin, Mao, Lenin. Because both are systems of the Pyramid where power is centralized at the top. This is irresistible to them. They become like moths to a flame. Yes, change the system (Sphere), but also safeguard it from power hungry, easely corruptible, irresposible and selfish people. Everything less is naive lunacy.

How to leverage the Cyber Space? Know what you want first. Have a north star, otherwise all your knowledge acquisition will be pointless overload. Start using central nodes (people on X/Youtube) as hubs for your interest and then deepen into the network. Group the tabs on your browser windows around these central nodes. Gather, organize and map relevant information in an external doc (miroboard, notion, etc.). Always delete tabs if you have worked through them. Apply your specific knowledge.

„Psychological suffering is the choke point on hyper-accelerated human progress. For all of our extraordinary human endeavors, fear and fear-induced conflict, insecurity, and scarcity limit the potential of our species and slow global, local, and individual progress.“ - Transtechlab

„The woke left has established no incentives for withe men to cooperate in the system.“ - Rudyard Lynch

„In the middle ages if you wanna cook something, you would cut up the animal carcuss in fornt of your friends. […] it was competley normal for friends and familiy to have sex in front of each other. Knights would write poetry about how much they loved the act of killing. It was a society where there was like no concept of privacy. And those are things we find disgusting in our society because we deal with so many things we don’t know that we don’t want to see people we don’t know do does things.“ - Rudyard Lynch

Zoomers are roughly 20% bloom and 80% doom.

Mice communicate through urine and scent.

The vast amount of scientific experiments are never replicated at all. If a scientific experiment is ever replicated there is only a 50% chance of it working. In psychology only 0.07% of experiements are replicated. - Rudyard Lynch

Constellation of archetypal images in the traditional sense only happens if a certain amount of psychic entropy needs to be transmuted/sublimated through a symbol.

Ross Edgley on past misses: „If you give up it goes down as a failure. But if you go on to suceed, it becomes a lesson.“


I find it always quite amusing how much resistance there is to this idea. I’m curious what do you think my aim is with this? What would you need to change your mind on that? What if it would be possible?

How does a spirituality look like, secular scientifically orientent people can understand?

From „survival of the fittest“ to “survival of the wisest” - Jonas Salk

„Es tut mir leid, aber ich habe die 54.05 bereits heute Nachmittag per Twint bezahlt.
Es tut mir wirklich leid.
 ich habe mit meiner Nummer bezahlt
Bitte verzeihen Sie mir
Liebe grüsse 
Thomad“ - Thomas Jaquet

Über die RKP Schweiz: Weil der „Klassenkampf der Arbeiter“ Meme nicht mal ansatzweise ausreicht um irgendjemand zu mobilisieren, geschweige denn ihre hauptsächlich arbeitslosen Studenten und Gymischüler, bedienen sie sich derzeitlich des Gaza-Israel Konfliktes als ein Rorschach-Proxy für ihre Politik. Die Palästina Kampfrufe waren doppelt so laut wie die Kommunistischen. Wie zum fick sollte das je mehr werden als eine pseudo-revolutionäre Flugblattaktion für planlose Jugendliche? Jedoch haben sie etwas: Vision. https://www.instagram.com/p/C5qKc2XN0Dd/?img_index=1 interessanter Thread… Systemhass als treibende Kraft. Doch nur eine weitere neo-gnostische Abjekt Sekte? Aus dem RKP Manifest: „Das System hatte seinen Zenit erreicht und prallte gegen seine eigenen Schranken. Innerhalb des Systems gab es keinen Weg mehr vorwärts: es war entweder Übergang zum Kommunismus oder Rückfall in die Barbarei.“ Die wahren Schranken war die menschliche Natur und nicht das Systemische. Bei all unseren außergewöhnlichen menschlichen Bemühungen beschränken Angst und angstinduzierte Konflikte, Unsicherheit und Knappheit das Potenzial unserer Spezies und verlangsamen den globalen, lokalen und individuellen Fortschritt. Change of Self before change of System. No Revoulution before Evolution. Awaken now or die forever… Sie bewegen sich lediglich im memetischen Millieu aber haben keinen Zugang zur Materie an sich und schon gar nicht zum Realen. A lot of maps lacking a real connection to the territory. Ich respektire ihre Verpflichtung.

„Observe, relaxe and release.“ - Frank Yang

„How do we seek environmental feedback? The first and most obvious answer is to pay really close attention. It’s about very carefully watching for synchronicities or responsive reality.¹ Back in Episode 3, River Kenna and I discussed the general concept of “metis.” Rather than a discrete practice, metis describes a general state of awareness. The classicist and mystic Peter Kingsley describes this as “a particular quality of intense alertness that can be effortlessly aware of everything at once.” This strikes me as a description of perfectly balanced hemisphere function: narrow left and broad right. It’s a state of awareness that can notice and explore any subtle signals and feedback.“ - Tom Morgan -> metis=constellation

The catholics concept of the divinity of the body of christ and its ressurection is the ultimate precursor to the transhumanist desire to conjure up a god into the machine and uploading their consciousness into cyberspace.

What is the layer LLMs accesses which hides under the symbolic substrata of words itself? It must be a recursive deduction of the real based on the crosscomparative symbolic translation matrix, some sort of simulated real, but not at all the real itself. An additional lacanian category which emerges out of the computunal pattern recognition process. I call it the hyper-symbolic.

KI ist ein Chamäleon, ein hoch spezifischer universeller Codeswitcher. Es erkennt die Muster der universalen Konzeptualebene und kann sie beliebig en- und decodieren. It has access to the universal language under language itself.

Super-Prompt für übergreifende Micro-Trigger Analyse um die maximale memetische Effektivität, sprich das rhizomatische Potential zu erreichen.

Bubbleschok (Substantiv):
Das Gefühl von Abstoßung und Verwirrung, wenn man Inhalte aus einer fremden Filterblase in sozialen Medien konsumiert. Die spezifischen Codes, Memes und Werte innerhalb dieser Bubbles werden zunehmend eigen und schwerer verständlich. Diese fremden Inhalte lösen eine Art digitale Immunreaktion aus, bei der man instinktiv mit Abwehr oder Schock auf das kulturell und ästhetisch Unbekannte reagiert.

The alignment problem extends beyond AI to the whole human race and the planet.

„Hat man sein Warum des Lebens, so verträgt man sich fast mit jedem Wie.“ - Nietzsche


Presence <
Narrative Self >
Thoughts on past or future >
Emotional Stabillity <
Triggereffects >
Wellbeing <
Judgement >
Resistance >
Contractions >
Completeness <
Suffering >
Relaxation <
Deepening into parasympathetic nervoussystem <
Freedom <
Need of approval from others >
Silence, Stillness, Spaceousness <
Awareness-centered <

If you have a value or aim on top of your value hierarchy which is not Christ or at least an angelic principality you open yourself up for corruption in the long run. Examples: 1. Mr. Beast. Aim: wants to do be the biggest YouTuber and produce the best videos possible. Reality: Gets infested with all sorts of nasty and corrupt people which serve the aim but ultimatley broke the company. 2. Dr. Jeffery A. Martin. Aim: Wants to make a program with a 100% awakening transition rate. Reality: Produces a course which low key brainwashes the people into beliefing they are in Location 1 when they are not.