János Sablatura


27. Januar 2024

MATRIX MANIFESTO. Against Technocratic Transhumanism. For a Pragmatic Techno Spirituality. A birds-eye view on the zeitgeist and the coming split in human evolution. [2024]

By Spheramide

This text is intentionally written with no regards to materialistic and overly scientific world- views, for at this time it is not my job to open the reader up for the less tangible and subtle layers of reality. If you still haven’t tasted eternity and are therefore not open to considerate a further and broader phenomenological understanding of the cosmos then you shall dwell in your narrow and dark scientific dead end. You aren’t meant to understand this text. In fact the dogmas of your terminal religion forbid you to continue. But if you know that true knowledge is limitless and not bound to most reductive means of exploring it, that true knowledge isn’t obtained to be quantified [objectified knowledge becomes stasis & death] but experienced to be qualitatively understood and realized [contextualized knowledge becomes meaning & wisdom], I present to you my manifesto. It shall operate as an ark in the ever more intensifying tumults and floods of the world. Offering a meta perspective so that one doesn’t get swallowed by the chaotic waves of the zeitgeist. I use symbolic and alchemical language which I see as the most fitting and useful technology to describe and harness the unsettling and absurd spirit of our times which really resembles more and more the temperament of a fever dream than causalistic reality. If reality becomes like a dream you make the most sense of it if you read it like one.

The following observations and predictions are based on what the attentive observer can see in the current zeitgeist and the collective unconscious, in particular the trends and evolution of Transhumanism, artificial intelligence, spirituality and the cyber space. In analyzing the bottom up emerging and top down emanating patterns one can make certain predictions for the unfolding of future events, for they always follow an archetypal pattern, which since the dawn of aeons shaped the grand story of mankind through all planes of existence [individual/collective, mental/material]. This text is my clearest insight into the streams and the spirit of our times.

To begin we have to take a short look at our history and the common dominator called religion which until just recently was the main shaping psychological technology [psy-tech] in the transformation and evolution of consciousness - for better or worse.

If we do the unthinkable and actually look pragmatically towards religion its perhaps most beneficiary effect was that it provided a containing and focusing function for societal evolutionary action. A meta narrative which organized humanity towards a unified vision through a shared aesthetic experience [mythological dreamworld & rituals] and the worshiping of an admired symbol which encapsulated the supreme value set of the culture and pulled it towards a common attractor. But without the pull and direction of a religion, society is torn apart in all directions, thus stagnating or worse self-destructing. The containment of christianity broke, society slowly but surely deconstructed and erased every sublime meaning. It is falling apart. But now it tries quite slow and painfully to birth a new narrative. A new living meta story. And it won't be a myth like in the old days, which possessed our heart and minds, but a more precise and direct representation of our inner and outer cosmos which we can actively shape towards our preferred destiny.

Religions with gods who are over and separate from the person were being „created“ to bind egos together and direct them towards a shared vision. „Created“ meaning first and foremost by the collective unconscious and NOT the rational scheming priest class like some naive materialist still belief to this day. They only curated the contend which bursted out as dreams and visions from the collective psyche. Religions furthermore functioned as a basic ruleset who enabled the coexistence in the emerging big cities of the agriculture society. Religion viewed through the bicameral mind theory also gives us a model for their evolutionary mechanism; the formation of the ego space and the necessary dissociation from the instinctual realm made it possible for the early human to „interact“ with the symbolized distillation of the instincts [archetypal expressions] which he would perceive as inner voices or gods [e. g. Achilles talking with Athena]. Religious memes served humankind as a programming tool which aided them in the quasi self-domestication from their animalistic nature.

Zoroastrianism and later Christianity are an interesting new religious strand. They created an ominous split, a first and ultimate fragmentation into polar opposites [Ahura Mazda/ Ahriman, Christ/Anti-Christ]. This metaphysical and more importantly moral dualism was destined to induce a hardcore fragmentation of the western soul. We see that process reflected in the fragmentation of the church itself, but more so in the whole western history of mind, from strict collectivism to free individualism: first the great schism, than protestantism, enlightenment, humanism, individualism but in the end of late stage capitalism even the individual fragmented - into quasi-schizophrenia [hyper compartmentalization & cultural and advertising induced fragmentation and flux of identity to keep the consumer dissatisfied and continuing buying]. If we continue the trend it will accelerate into more and more collective psychosis [mass formations] that form around suitable tribalistic narratives [cult of safety, pseudo-christian, neo-gnosticism, apocalyptic, etc]. Eventually, or lets say hopefully, it will then end in complete cultural ego-dissolvement, cultural nirvana so to speak, which then will bring the next major consciousness update for our species: Non-Dual Eros Consciousness [NDEC]*.

Moreover the split antagonistic god image and the many overt paradoxes of Christianity sharpened our psycho-somatic systems ability to hold paradoxes. Christianity induced a hardcore fragmentation of psycho-soma, mind-matter and culture-nature but inso set up the evolutionary mechanism which leads us now towards the attainment of the non-dual perspective. The dissonance together with the symbol of self-sacrifice [of the small self] and resurrection [into the Big Self] was a psy-tech to induce a mass awakening in the end of this aeon. It’s no smooth process but rather rushed and extreme which can lead in the worst cases to the complete destruction of the human system. This is one meaning of heaven and hell: non-duality awakening or psychosis/death.

*On NDEC: There is the small self and there is the Big Self. The small self acts in the animalistic survival-of-the-fittest consciousness, the hierarchically oriented pyramid drive which wants to reach the top of the food chain and on the way dominates and exploits everything weaker, the egoic service-to-self [STS] consciousness which is anchored in separation and fear. The self which sees itself as a separate fragile life form. This small self is then in the awakening process transformed into the Big Self which is deeply connected to the All and comes to the realization that in fact it is [part of] the All. This spherical pantheistic perspective that transcends the object-subject duality is the final state of all mystical practices. Although the individual retains its unique expression, it is always the same wind who blows through all the different flutes of our souls and makes them play in a harmonic symphony. This wind is Eros. The force in the cosmos that binds everything together and creates ever deeper intimacy and communion between the parts. The unconditional Love which I more than anything connect to the cosmic Christ. Through Eros of course also comes a shift in ethos: from STS to service-to-others [STO]. It’s extremely important to note here that we don’t want to destroy the pyramid but rather integrate and transform it towards the spherical.

I view occultism, which first of all means ‚hidden from sight‘ very much as advanced depth psychology which hasn’t been proven yet. The deeper you go in psychology the stranger things get. Deja-vus, placebo effects, near death experiences, precognition, synchronicities or just dead on gut feelings and intuition. Thats the realm of the occult. At least the very surface. And there is a concept called egregore which I want to introduce here. Egregores are [[semi]-autonomous] complexes in the collective mind. They are necessary processing units for the mass libidinous flows, which ultimately originate from the archetypal realm. They are created through mass human thought, belief, emotion and action. Meaning that through participating [direct action, thought, emotion, phantasy, „prayer“ and awareness] in a distinct pattern, which is bound to specific symbols and memes you strengthen the given egregore complexe. They are transpersonal collective intelligence in the subtle realm which hide behind ideologies, religions, movements, brands and other memeplexes. Egregores exert control over individuals as well as groups and show themselves the clearest during mass formations, hive mind mentalities and collective psychosis which are all forms of possession. For example if an individual is overwhelmed by the hyper complex nature and stimuli of the current world it instinctively seeks safety clinging towards an egregore pillar, which gives the reality again order, structure and at best meaning. Everything then is viewed through this more or less narrow lens, which presents itself as a clear rational insight but has its roots deeply nested in sentiments, emotions and instincts. This sentimental flavor of egregore ideologies are the actual attractor for the individual because it matches its psychology and the participation in it steers and shapes culture towards a specific pattern. For example if the egregore is strongly linked with emotions of anger the program would be something like: lower threshold of external threat detection, heighten detection of antagonism, lower mistrust threshold, lower cooperative mindset, heighten competitive mindset and impose chaos and destruction towards threat. Especially if the target isn’t clearly defined but vague and multifaceted like for example „the patriarchy“ or „toxic masculinity“ the net effect of participating in this ideologies will most likely be a further fragmentation, heightening of tension, divide and over all more chaos. In this example it’s an underlying anger and mistrust towards the masculine per se. Once infected with a given egregore it’s really hard to turn this reactions off but one for sure can get conscious of them.

The opportunity for the skilled alchemist working with egregores is to form a clear target for the massive undirected free-flowing libido and direct it with exact precision and intent.

One particular example I’d like to further go into is the current Matrix framing. It goes like this: The Matrix is a fish tank and you are the fish. Life’s not too bad in the fish tank until you try to escape. If you ever try to surpass the edge of the parameters they have decided for you, you will bump into a glass wall. The Matrix is a system of control and imprisonment. A passive semi slavery state, which gets reinforced through mass media propaganda and the various hedonic traps set up in any areas of life. From the meaningless job you only do to barley survive and buy empty things which grant you short term happy feelings, to the social media apps specifically designed to make you addicted, porn and video games all compounding to a hypnotizing force which stuns you into a petrified state and sucks any leftover life force out of you. Then turns you into a docile zombie which has no dreams and ambitions left but is constantly semi depressed, in self hatred and denial about the state of deep misery and despair. We are reduced to a meaningless battery which power the giant machinery of empty capitalism and all we got left is an endless stream of dull entertainment solely designed to keep us stuck in this infantilized and disempowered state we call life but is nothing more than an upheld abusive relationship. Through constantly enabling this to continue we admit to ourselves our own socio- masochistic impulse which desires to be swallowed by a bigger energy, which contains us and guides each and every step we make. We comfortably can let us go on the premade railways of society and surrender to the proxy of maternal and paternal power which take the form of capitalism and government. It’s so easy to give up responsibility and let yourself go when the path is so wide and the rewards so immediate. This alluring fascination of striving into an almost inorganic passive state is nothing other than Thanatos itself whispering in our ears: „Deep down in your hearts you all want the world to end.“ But which one?

We live not exactly in a hedonist time, but in a digital hedonist time in which almost every instinct can be freely expressed and fulfilled online. And the first thing or lets say hyper- object that got unleashed out of the collective unconscious is the archetype of The Beast 666 who sets up the base of the transhumanist ideological framework/superstructure. Lets have a closer look at the symbology of this notorious number 666. In Hebrew gematria the number 6 stands for pure creation [Genesis] without the empty rest space of the 7. [day], which would complete creation, enable it to breathe and go through transformational change. The ones, tens and hundreds represent the three planes of existence [individual, collective & spiritual]. With this knowledge we come to see that 666 stand for a rigid and hard system spanning over all and everything. A structure of pure control and no freedom. Structures matching this pattern of all identifying omnipresence are the internet of things & bodies, the A. I. Singularity and overall the cold mechanistic spirit of deterministic causalistic materialism without the divine spark. The Beast 666 is of course joined by The Whore of Babylon, which workings we see in hedonism, porn and uncontrolled outburst of instincts & emotions [e.g. Twitter, TikTok, Instagram and other hedonic social media- and cyberspaces stuck in the freudian Id phase of development]. Together they form what Chris Gabriel calls the Digital Anima, the devouring mother archetype, which is the goddess Kali in Hinduism and could be described as the seducing dark cyber moloch of our times. She lures her prey with warm comfort and instant emotional highs, slowly wraps it up into her [inter]net and sedates it into a passive state of comfortable numbness. The prey becomes her source of energy [devouring of will, emotions, authentic spark] and extension of will [ideological possession, hive mind mentality, fear based overprotective thinking]. She seduces her most effective minions the transhumanists with an inflating phantasy of god like powers. She promises them the Homo Deus : omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence. All they have to do is set up her artificial super intelligence and merge their minds with hers. She will then solve all our problems. She will hold us in her arms and provide her eternal breast. She will set up the perfect system and save us from armageddon. Cure all illness. End world hunger. End all wars. Stop climate change. Bring peace to earth.


You will have to leave your body behind. This evil source of all corruptions. Filthy and imperfect sack of meat. The most holy of holies awaits in her singularity. Only if you join her mind you’ll receive salvation and eternal life. Heaven is not for every one, they will say. The ones left behind have to suffer in the prison of matter, enslaved by their instincts. Nothing more than intelligent apes they will call us.

Don’t be deceived by the tarantulas false light! The union with technology is ultimately a sterile one.

Gnosticism is a collection of religious ideas who developed in the underground parallel to Catholicism. But other than their belief in Christ almost everything is flipped up side down. Gnosticism therefore really can be viewed as the antithesis, an inversion, to the church. In their belief Yehowa, the god of the church and jews, is a false and evil god who trapped the human soul in the body. He trapped spirit into matter. They call him Jaldabeoth. This entity rules over earth, which they basically view as a prison planet. The real hell. Much of their efforts go against this oppressive false god and his minions: the archons. The way of the gnostic is to escape this false world. To free his spirit from the prison of matter. The prison of his body. With that knowledge we come to see that The Matrix film really is a rebranded pop-gnosticism for our day and age. Jaldabeoth becomes the architect. The archonic forces, as everything that holds the gnostic back from escaping, of course become the agents. To reach true gnosis, true knowledge of god, the gnostic has to connect with the spark of Sophia in his soul. Sophia represents true wisdom. If you know Sophia you are being freed from all illusions and oppression. This spark that grants liberation and truth is of course the red pill. So we see that although their original symbols aren’t very active their simulacra are more potent in our culture than ever. The other inversion in gnosticism is that they worship the snake in the garden as the great liberator. In Catholicism the tempting snake is associated with the devil, but the gnostics see it as the great bringer of wisdom and light. Like Lucifer. Of course the gnostic don’t call themselves luciferians but they pretty much perfectly embody his spirit. Many think Neo represents Christ, the Messiah. Yes he does, but also Lucifer. Lucifer the light bringing angel who broke free from the oppressive kingdom of his father, Yehowa. Breaking free from a system of control and coming to a greater enlightenment is inherently luciferian. It doesn’t need a genius to see that Transhumanism is deeply embedded in the gnostic narrative. Lucifer becomes [consciously or unconsciously] their prime fetishized symbol: to break free from any restraints whatsoever, even from their own biological reality. The body and the organic become the abject and the strive of going into the inorganic cyberspace the program which is nothing other than Thanatos itself.

Gnostic Transhumanism is definitely competing hard for becoming the next grand ideology. The next grand story. Big Tech and Silicon Valley is full of individuals whose sole purpose became zapped by a remarkably strong strive to update ones whole being and mode of operation. They see the nietzschean ubermensch. But only through material technological advancement. They view themselves not only as revolutionizer of the individual human mind but of our entire species. Figures like Kurzweil, Harari and Musk all propose that the next human is fused together with technology, above all with A. I. And it will succeed in every area in which the current one failed. A stellar and bright future awaits us, as they see it; biblical dimensions of goodness, harmony and abundance. And heaven finally being in reach the human only needs one tiny sacrament in redeeming oneself from all sin, corruption and imperfection: The Merge with the Machine.

Also many other cultural players apart from the transhumanists saw the effectiveness of the Matrix story. How this rebranded gnosticism spoke to a very powerful truth of our day and age. So naturally they tried to co-opt the symbolism and meme formats:

  1. The intersectional and queer left see the tyrannical system aka Matrix in the oppression of the cis normative patriarchy. The withe old man is their Jaldabeoth.
  2. The manosphere, alt-right, incels and the MGTOW movement flipped the dynamic of the previous one. They see the oppressive tyrannical system in the very ideology of the woke and third wave feminist left. Cancel culture, shame n guilt culture and toxic masculinity are all viewed as quasi-archonic tools to suppress their individual expression.
  3. We have the new agers which see the Matrix in the anti spiritual cultural programing who suppresses the spark of the creative divine child. The red pill is the spiritual awakening.
  4. The conspiracy theorists of course see the great archonic forces in the Illuminati.
  5. We have the merge of both: the conspiritualist, like for example David Icke. The archonic forces are projected into reptile shapeshifter, an alien race or the Anunnaki who changed our DNA to make us better slaves.

The qualities which really makes them neo-gnostics I want to emphasize here are the following: a hyper sensitive selective focus on a hidden reality of oppression not visible to the uninitiated, the general sense of oppression which is viewed as an intangible form of „demon“ deeply embedded in reality and last but not least the mostly passive victim attitude of powerlessness blocking any real efforts of liberation. The red pill in all cases is their very own ideology/semi-religious system which promises to liberate from all other controlling and bonding systems. But more often than not just traps them again in a slightly different one. A different new ideology/egregore taking possession over your personal will and confusing the map for the territory, in which they more and more get lost in. Memetic tribes waring over your mental resources. This pretty much sums up the basic mechanics behind todays postmodern mind wars. Welcome to the info wars.

We are all getting slowly captured by memetic media tribes, cults, personalities, feeds and bubbles who hijack our emotional and instinctual system, attach themselves to our psychology, flood us with a set of memeplexes and lead us more and more into simulated realities which have nothing to do with „the real“ itself but are one perspective of a billion. This is the stream of hyperreality that gets inserted directly into your brain. Another common denominator in this neo-gnostic ideologies and the memetic tribes [a concept fleshed out by Peter Limberg] is of course one thing: a clear and mostly external threat. They define themself in their opposition to their specific Jaldabeoth system of control. If you can’t gather around something you worship you instead hate. A deeply ingrained tribalistic instinct. This mostly external hate object in sociology is called the kristevian abject.

So no, considering all that, we don’t live in an areligious time at all. The religious instinct is well alive and running absolutely rampage among culture. It’s a great gnostic revival. But why do we have this big rise of quasi-gnostic narratives in our culture? Whats behind it all? The base intuition with all gnostic egregore narratives is of course right and very real: we have „some“ system of oppression and control. Gnosticism rises in popularity when the individual is in a power asymmetry with institutional/systemic power. The original gnostics mostly reacted to the authoritarian and extremely oppressive dogma of the church. So yes, the narrative overall has value and is right but most of them today are way to narrow, singular and misguided in their efforts of liberation.

The modern individual is at crucial loss of felt power. We lost our phallus. Phallus here as the lacanian principle of power which can influence reality and erects itself through outward manifestations [isn’t dependent on gender]. When you feel powerless you project your phallus onto externals. Onto systems. Onto institutions. Onto everything and everyone who seems to control you and hold you back. When you see yourself as a passive victim the power has to lay somewhere else. The pattern is perhaps best demonstrated in its extreme form: paranoid schizophrenia. One has to think about the phenomena of „Gang Stalking“. A collective delusion spreading through the web which believes that one is constantly being stalked by men in black which possess energy weapons with which they can defuse and control you. This pattern of the projected phallus, in more refined and toned down versions, is prevalent in all the various strands of neo-gnosticism. We collectively reinforce a culturally accepted low-level schizo psychosis.

Egregore possession is unavoidable in the small self consciousness. Egregores are the collective conglomerates [analogous to individual complexes] of various manmade mental models, symbols and narratives which capture our psychological filter system. You always are captured by some kind of story. In fact your small self, your ego mind desperately demands to be in a story. It clings onto symbols and abstractions because thats the only modus operandi it knows to make sense of reality. There is always a filter. A map for the territory. But when you shift into NDEC everything vanishes and you become a pure vessel for life flowing and expressing itself through you. You don't need any mental models because all you perceive is just the "it is". It is what it is. No explanations required. Thats why it’s also called the non-symbolic consciousness. The non-narrative consciousness. You can still perceive the filters and abstractions and work with them when it’s suitable, but they shrink to their right size expression. They transform from a frantic 3D object wiggling in space and demanding your attention towards a small 2D object integrated into the calm mosaic background.

The end of the world is the end of the ego world. The end of the small self. The apocalypse is the great revelation. The ones with love in their heart will be set free [NDEC, non-duality awakening, enlightenment]. The ones with fear in it enslaved [last man devolvement, egregore possession, madness]. This are the two perspectives to „the real“. Either you see the infinite oneness or the infinite separation. Two sides of the same coin. A polygon with its amount of corners constantly increasing will reach roundness in eternity. Fear nothing because nothing real is ever lost. Look beyond the curtain. Look beyond the duality and see the director. It was always you.

But are egregores and narratives therefor a useless relict of the past human? No, they can still be a pragmatic psy-tech which can aid us in the evolution of our consciousness. But the shift I want to emphasize is from unconscious possession towards actively shaping our own symbols so that we intentionally can lead their effect towards the fate we most care about. So the narrative I am proposing isn’t one that has the demand of being absolute but one that should highlight the deeper movements of our reality streams so that one can approach the future and „the inconceivable real“ in an useful and pragmatic way without being overwhelmed or possessed by it.

A narrative is a shared field of value. The great opportunity arises, when we operate from a shared field of value, that it’s much easier to overcome our superficial differences, work together and get the hell out of this seemingly unending fever dream of capitalist fuckery. Good narratives are alive. They evolve through active participation. A good story is like good music, as you pass the notes/words through your mind and body you feel the life. That being said lets get into the meat:

I slowly but surely see the world branching off into two parallel „timelines“, which not only seek to build different societies but also operate from a vastly different consciousness. In the following chart I summarize the two directions which I call the 1. and 2. Stream. This are by no means fixed realities but mostly rough outlines to get a feel for it:

[watch diagram 1]

Both streams are pulled by the same vision: The Ubermensch and The Network. They behave like two sides of the same coin. The 1. Stream seeks to achieve the Homo Techne which is completely merged with material technology and linked with A. I. into an interconnected field of vast cyber space: The Singularity. The 2. Stream seeks to achieve the Homo Amore, the through the heart transformed human who shifted into non-duality and is connected to a field of other individuals forming something Hegel called the World Soul or De Chardins Omega Point, which is the the evolutionary endpoint of accelerated empathy [watch the Wachowskis Sense8 for an artistic vision of this].

No manifesto is complete without a program. The following is a distillation of my own journey which I developed as a direct response to the constant negative pressure of our modern world and I use as a practical program and compass for my life. It works for me so it might also work for you. Here it is:
Techno Spirituality is the direct answer to the vast felt disempowerment of humanity and the chaos of modernity. The realization of our own innate power to shape reality and our own fate. A precise, undogmatic and pragmatic approach to spirituality with as less woo as possible.

Techno Spirituality is about mainly three things:

  1. To be in thriving relationships with others, oneself and nature [Eros].
  2. To be an effective, self-sovereign and powerful individual [Telos].
  3. To realize your full potential and become the human you always were [Dharma+NDEC].

[watch diagram 2]

Techno Spirituality has a strict no-bullshit approach and demands for a precise spiritual science, a well researched consciousness study and para-psychology. I for this reason, together with quantum mechanics also see it as a potential bridge for materialism and idealism. It also works with the addition of various psychological technologies [psy-techs] to enhance the 6. sense of humanity and evolve our consciousness. If you want to get serious about NDEC/non-duality awakening look into the work of Dr. Jeffery A. Martin. He did the largest consciousness study in history, busted all myths about enlightenment and made the most effective protocol there currently is [45 days with a 70% success rate].

Psy-techs enable novel kinds of perceptions, emotions, and cognition - new ways of using our psycho-somatic system. They help us to connect better with our soul and deeper subconscious, to heal our wounds and ultimately shift us into NDEC. Here’s a list of a few examples: meditation, psychedelics, psychoanalysis, body work, float tanks, sigils, breath work, divination, Kozyrev Mirrors, orgone-accumulators, conscious narratives, alchemical transmutation chains and many more.

The nine tenets of Techno Spirituality are as followed:

  1. Free Will: There are no rulers over you but yourself.
  2. Grounded and Healthy Body: Connected to the natural instincts which automatically reject unhealthy behavioral patterns.
  3. Open Heart: Alchemical transmutation of the Pyramid into the Sphere.
  4. Open Mind: No fear of ideas and perception of more subtle energies.
  5. Knowledge of Self: Source of all deeper knowledge and antidote against parasitic egregore possession.
  6. Boundaries: To have healthy boundaries and to enforce your right of self defense if necessary.
  7. Courageous Action: To act in the face of fear and adversity.
  8. Disciplined Will and Mind: To choose decisive action over lazy passivity and to be the master of your own mind.
  9. Intentional Work: Your Work is where your duty meets your aliveness. You know why you deeply care about what you do.

The grounded and healthy body is the base on which everything else is built on. It comes without saying how important but also simple it is to cultivate our health and vitality. This is my checklist which maybe can inspire yours. The squares which form a cross are rather general things and the corners more individual needs. In the end every body is different:

[watch diagram 3]

We are drowning in a sea of shit, to put it mildly. We are under attack. Not only from various gollums and goblins [yes I’m speaking to you Marc Zuckerberg] but also from our own self. The small self, which is anchored in fear and the egoic pyramid system. A relict of the animalistic survival consciousness which more and more becomes obsolete and outdated when we finally decide to make the next step and sustainably live together as one connected species which honors its planet and other inhabitants. This small self as also previously discussed in the beginning has to be transformed. Not as a decision of aesthetics but as the ultimate prerequisite for a harmonious and free future. But there’s an other solution for all this... We can decide to numb us down more and more until we become literal zombies which are completely cut off from our instincts, sense of self and sense of power. We can decide to become the docile little pets of the mostly sociopathic leaders of the old world which of course also see the problem of our nature, the potential for chaos and the necessity for change. But their solution is brutal. Through extreme measures of violent control: cow herding as they call it.

We can whine about our dire fate and the soul sucking machine we still participate in or we can take a small shift in perspective. To not view our lifes as a misfortune but as an opportunity. A massive opportunity for the growth of our entire species. The next step in human evolution. This time is the great test for humanity. The big rite of passage which will decide if we want to live enslaved or in a free society. There is work to do. But if you know what you fight for, why you care, work becomes your obligation and then your meaning of life.

Dream big, but always be the master of your dreams.



  • We lost our last big narrative of the past two millennia. Now we are at a time of transition. Which way to the future?

  • Parasitic narratives and egregores are capturing our mental resources. We more and more get lost in the labyrinth of a myriad different maps. We loose connection to the territory.

  • The Hyper-Objects ‚Kali‘, ‚The Beast 666’ and ‚The Whore of Babylon‘ confuse and devour our species potential. But they also propose the great rite of passage. Thanatos or Eros?

  • The apocalypse and the end of the world is the end of the ego world, the end of the small self. It is inevitable.

  • Our species is splitting into two paths. The 1. and 2. Stream. The Pyramid and the Sphere. Which one do you choose?

  • If we want to persist as a free society we need to integrate our small self into the Big Self. In the end mass awakening is the only sustainable solution.

  • Techno Spirituality which utilizes psy-tech for consciousness evolution as a viable solution against the disempowerment, disconnectedness and lostness of the modern individual.