János Sablatura

Lucifer - Venus

Juli 2020

Thoughts on Lucifer and Christ

To start we have to understand three things:

1. Lucifer means light bringer in latin which is a name for the planet Venus [also helel (shining one) in original hebrew of the old testament, phosphoros (light bringer) or ho aster ho lampros ho proinos (bright morning star) in original coin-greek of the new testament.]

2. Isaiah 14:12 first and foremost was a song of derision about the historical king of Babylon and not about the metaphysical force Satan.

3. The name Lucifer [Venus] was allegorically attributed to this king.

Isaiah 14:12 : „How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning [orginal hebrew: helel (shining one -> venus) ben (son) shahar (dawn)]!" was a comparison of the astrological canaanite venus-myth [the bible is full of old myths who got transferred] to the hubris of the king of babylon [possibly Sennacherib, Nebukadnezza II or Sargon]. The key to the complete understanding of Lucifer is the planet Venus, and not Miltons or Dantes one-dimensional and undifferentiated inspiration Paradise Lost or Divine Comedy, who have influenced the collective consciousness and christianity to a mythological degree. The roots of their representations can be traced back to the apocryphal scripture of The Life of Adam and Eve. Out of that followed the most mysterious biblical interpretation ever by the church fathers: the connection of Lucifer to Satan. Luke 10:18 : “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven." to Isaiah 14:12. The immens strangeness in this is that Jesus described himself as the morning-star in Revelation 22:16 : „I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright morning-star [original koin-greek: ho aster (star) ho lampros (bright) ho proinos (morning)]“. If the translators would have acted the same as in Isaiah 14:12 it really would read as: "I am [..] Lucifer." Lucifer/phosphoros/morningstar is also used in 2 Peter 1:19 : „[...], as to a light shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star [original: phosphoros] rises in your hearts." Seems strange to me that an apostle would suggest you need to raise the devil in your heart, isn't it? Or even more, that the Son of God calls himself the dark lord.

The answer to this seemingly irreconcilable problem is provided by the astrological/canaanite myth of Venus. Venus in connection with Lucifer shows that he basically has three aspects:

1. The Evening Star: He flees/splits off from God/unity. He wants to individualize himself from the all-encompassing oneness that is God and competes with or rebells against his creator. This is symbolically represented in that Venus, as the first and brightest star/light (after the moon of course), splits off from the all-illuminating light of the day [sun -> old symbol for highest God] shortly before sunset and goes its own way. In the evening Venus rises to the left of the sun as the evening star, competes with the "dying" sun, goes above all other stars of God [hubris], but is then banished from the heavens and falls down to earth [horizon]. From divine spirit into matter.
The falling/individualizing/separating/hubris aspect of Lucifer/Venus is represented by the downward pentagram [eveningstar], pointing towards earth [mater over spirit/dogma] who can eventually open up a portal to Baphomet [compare with the LaVeyanic satanic sigil], the "corrupted" dark side of Venus, who if out of control consumes/possesses one by rushes of dark desires, striving for an „uebermensch“ kind of domination, power and control over others. The god like inflation of the individual separate ego. This is the most evil/"satanic" aspect of Lucifer. So yea, of course he was identified to Satan/Baphomet, but to say he IS only Satan is just wrong.

2. The Underworld: Then for a short time period he descends into the underworld [Venus isn’t visible during the sun transit (compare also with the Ištar-myth)]. We all know this first two parts from Dante and Milton, but oh yes it is in fact a venusian inspiration. This first two sides of Lucifer are really over proportionally blown up in western culture and gave him his satanic identification. But there is more to him/her [Venus].

3. The Morning Star: After the underworld stage Venus changes to the morning-star [now to see on the right of the sun)] and seeks to reunite again with the All/God. He gets reborn in the dawn [thus the son of dawn/morning], brings the light back after the dark night [Venus before the sunrise rising from the horizon and then being swallowed by the sun, integrating back into the supreme light [God]. Rising up in the transcendental. This aspect [rising/integrating/connecting/rebirthing] of Lucifer/Venus [morningstar] is represented by the upward pentagram, pointing towards heaven [spirit over mater]. Why the pentagram you might ask? Connect the dots of the Venus synodic cycle pattern and you will see. [Fun fact: the greeks knew this 4000 years prior to Satanism.]
The morningstar and its attributes [rising/integrating/connecting/rebirthing] are rightfully connected [Revelation 22:16 and 2 Peter 1:19] to Jesus who displayed this qualities many times in the Gospel, which is also why in the early churches he was symbolized with the upward pentagram [also to symbolize the five wounds]. The morningstar opens you up to the infinite love of God who flows through all of existence and can rebirth your heart and spirit.

Considering all the evidence I provided above [which I suggest you check your self] its very hard to argue against the notion that Lucifer/Venus is able to represent both Christ [morningstar] and Satan [eveningstar] in one unified symbol. Only by shining light on all aspects of Lucifer, we get a glimpse into his/her true nature, which like all archetypal symbols is paradox and infinite. Yes you are a separate individual. And yes you are [part of] God which is everything and nothing. Worshiping God grounds the individual in the collective. Nothing wrong about that. But to run around and declare your self God can lead to dangerous inflation.

To speak on the radical banishment of Satan-Eveningstar-Lucifer: I believe it has among other things, to do with the idea of ​​the Church Father Augustine and his privatio boni, which says that evil is basically a lack of good [shadows where no light shines]. But the premise that God only contains the good follows a diminished recognition of evil as a human intrinsic principle, which then inevitably leads to a lack of responsibility. Evil is projected into Satan. Satan is split off from divine wholeness and banished into the underworld. But everything repressed into the subconscious WILL come to the surface sooner or later. Indeed, the more we suppress it, the greater its influence.

God which is all there ever is HAS to include darkness per definition. Jesus and Satan represent this two diametral different aspects of God. So Christianity actually created a metaphysical dualism and not monism. God was split into two forces. Christ and Antichrist. Only if we reconnect them we reach wholeness again and end the internal/external war. Matthew 5:44 states: "Love your enemies." Who is Christianity's greatest enemy? Yes, Satan. It's a really hard one I know, but necessary indeed. It's what C. G. Jung calls shadow work.

I see a great redemption coming. The forgiveness and integration of Satan. The rejoining of Christ and Antichrist in the connecting symbol of Lucifer the morning and eveningstar.